Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7


Change of plans: MRI 12th, consultation 14th! Now I am sick of waiting. A friend in my ward (Rachelle Livingston) took some pictures of me so she could do a water color painting. I am beyond worrying about what I look like. For memory sake and those of you I never get to see, and wondered what I look like bald, here are some pictures. Yes, I have big ears! I hated having my pictures done in this state, but I thought it would be good to look back on. I am truly grateful to her for doing this. The scarf is my church attire. Usually it is a scarf and hat.

I went to the DMV today to get a license renewal. I asked if I could use my last picture. The lady said, "Is there any reason you don't want your picture taken today?" Are you kidding, I about started to bawl!

I'll update after Thursday.


Erin said...

I think you look great. you look so classing with your scarf. Glad to hear that things are going well. Erin (Hansen)

Wendy said...

Angie you are one brave & inspiring woman. You look beautiful.

Kat said...

i've said it to you a hundred times, if i could get a guarantee i would look that good sans hair, i would seriously shave my head! and you are so striking in your scarves - always.

Mandee said...

You are beautiful!

~Ali said...

Good luck next week. Let us know how it goes. You are always.

Renee said...

You are just as beautiful as I remember you with hair! Not many can look as HOT as you do without hair!!!! I am anxious for an update after will be in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me or not but I played on the sophomore volleyball team at THS while you coached my sister, Stephanie,a few years back. I just want you to know that our family cares for you and we hope that things continue to go well for you.
-Brittany Gibson-

Mrs. S said...

I ran into Julie in Park City the other day. She told me about your current situation. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sharee House Snyder

Em. said...

Angie I am so glad you let Rachel take your pic. You are so pretty! With or with out hair! It will be fun to see what type of hair comes in next.(you know me and hair:)) You look great! Love you~ Em.(Hansen)

Jessica said...

Ummmm... did you tell the lady at the DMV to.... (wherever your mind takes you!!) You are gorgeous. Seriously, I told Eric I could only hope to look as good as you without hair. I LOVE the scarf!!! You amaze me.... Honestly... are are superwoman!! I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Good Luck!

Baxter's said...

Seriously...who are these DMV people? I really think your qualifications have to be slim to none to work at that place. :-) Love ya Ang!