Monday, May 26, 2008

ALI the best wii player ever

Ali Roberts is always so entertaining.


Ang said...

for the first 5 seconds i thought that was Ali H. - Question? which one is more hyper?? woooooo!!!!
i think it might be a tie.

meg said...

That was pretty tame compared to the usual competitiveness I've seen in the past. BTW, the basement looks great!

Kat said...

I too thought that was tame for Ali! Love that girl!

~Ali said...

I was confused at first...I've never played Wii before. :)

So who won? I put my money on Ali. :)

Renee said...

Ali Gardner Roberts, right? Looks like fun! She really is good at it! The Gardner competitive genes didn't pass her up!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I dominate at the Wii. (the only bad thing is I couldn't move my arm for 2 days because I was so sore) I will give lessons for a price. maybe it will help me beat ang in real tennis. I doubt it since she still wastes me chemo and all. You guys RULE!