Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dr. 3/28

Ryan's Birthday, now 34!! He's in Oklahoma trying to avoid a tornado and I went to the Dr. Not the most exciting birthday.
With the oncologist we decided to start chemo before any major surgery. The lump is so close to the muscle we are going to try to shrink it first. This option also gives her a marker. So, on April 10th the surgeon will test my lymph nodes, run a hormone test and insert a port. 3-4 days after that I will start chemo treatments. On the positive note, that means almost 2 weeks of normalcy, and NO doctors! I may try to take the kids to Vegas for Ryan's series next week. Hopefully I wont have any posts for 2 weeks, because life will only include running around for softball/baseball practice, piano, BYU games, keeping Ripken out of the toilet and off the table and lying by the pool in Vegas.


meg said...

Hi Roberts--I saw your blog from Tavi's. I was excited to see it and I will be checking up on you often. I love the updates--we have been thinking about you alot and wondering what we could do. You are one tough gal and we know you'll get through this.
Megan {and Shane}

~Ali said...

Ahhh- nothing is better than running a bunch of kids here and there and keeping them out of the toilet.

How do I keep them from trying to climb out of their crib and falling flat on the hard wood floor?? (That's what the loud thump was after we put Elle to bed tonight!)

Have a great time in Vegas and ENJOY the next couple of weeks.

Oh, and tell Ryan Happy B-day. I tried calling him but I just figured he was screening his calls. Love ya!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

We will check your blog all of the time but we also live two doors down, so we will also be checking in on you at home! You are so brave and we want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Happy Birthday Ryan! Vegas sounds great right about now! I am so done with the crappy weather!

Jessica said...

Wow - 34!! He is sooo old!! But he can always give Eric a hard time cuz Eric is WAY older HAHA!!! I hope you enjoy the nice weather in Vegas! You are for sure a better mama than I but SUNSCREEN! I thought I caked it on my kids in St George but we are all peeling this week! Have a good time!